Peter Stadler

title: Catching Monsters in RNA Land: Mapping Atypical Transcripts  



Large-scale transcriptomics projects over the last decade have revealed a
plethora of short and long non-coding RNAs. Although biological functions
and molecular mechanisms have been identified for only a small number of
examples, it has become clear that the RNA complement of eukaryotic cells
is high diverse with regard to the size, genomic structure, function, andmechanism. Workflows for transcriptome analysis, however, often
pre-suppose knowlege on gene structures and tends to disregard deviant signals as noise that is to be discarded. The segemehl suite of mapping and downstream analysis tools strives to avoid such potential biases.
It is geared towards mapping with multiple errors and multiple splits in the reads, thus allowing the analysis of editing, complex splicing patterns, and circular transcripts, and transsplicing using a single concise algorithmic approach that works equally well with data from prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Applications range from the discovery of unusual splcing patterns in human and archaeal transcripts to the analysis of macroRNAs, the analysis of dual RNA-seq data of intracelluar parasites to comparative transcriptomics.

Nazim Agoulmine

Title: From small bio-sensors on/in human body to powerful virtual sensors in the Cloud: Opportunities and Challenges in future eHealth.

University of Evry Val d’Essonne, France



Using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to improve healthcare quality and reduce costs for ubiquitous healthcare has been recognized and is being implemented as a national priority in major world economies to face the ageing society problem and the cost of healthcare. The aim of this talk is to present how sensor, IoT and Cloud Computing technologies together can help to design new efficient health management systems. Data collected by medical and environmental sensors from individuals in their environment can be transported from using  various communications technologies (WBAN, WPAN, WLAN, WWAN, etc.)  to powerful backend cloud computing datacenters where medical applications are hosted. This model permits to provide healthcare anywhere and anytime virtually approaching patients to doctors. Medical data collected at large scale could also be mined to detect anomalies in large populations or geographic area that can be used by public health policy makers.
Prof. Nazim Agoulmine is a full professor at the University of Evry Val d’Essonne, France since 2000. He is member of the IBISC Research laboratory, co-chairing the COSMO research group. Since 1989, he has been involved in several large research projects in ICT funded by EU and other French agencies. His current research interests are Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, 5G network, eHealth. He is nowadays the chair of the eHealth Technical Committee of the Communication Society. He is the author of more than a 100 publications in the area, several books and book  chapters. He received several awards for his research activities and contributions to the community.

Massimo Mischi

title: Contrast-enhanced imaging for quantitative analysis of angiogenesis

One in four people dies because of cancer. Prostate cancer is the most frequent form of cancer in men; unfortunately, clinical diagnostics is limited to invasive systematic biopsies.


Angiogenesis is associated with cancer growth and development, providing an important opportunity for diagnostic imaging. In particular, dynamic contrast-enhanced ultrasound (DCE-US) is a diagnostic tool that is suitable for analysis of the microvascular bed. Quantitative analysis of cancer angiogenesis is of particular interest for diagnosis and prognostic assessment of cancer aggressiveness. Recently, we successfully proposed contrast-ultrasound dispersion imaging (CUDI) for prostate cancer diagnosis, exploiting the link between intravascular dispersion of ultrasound contrast agents and angiogenic changes in the microvascular architecture. This concept has also been translated to DCE-MRI, introducing new models that account for extravascular contrast leakage.

By the proposed methods, independent estimation of dispersion and velocity components was not possible due to the ambiguity between convection and dispersion. More recently, a new method was proposed that provides a separate estimation of convection and dispersion by full identification of the local dilution system. This provides additional diagnostic information, including blood velocity maps that can be used for additional statistical analysis. By use of tractography, the main stream lines of blood flow can also be reconstructed and rendered. Eventually, combination by machine learning of relevant contrast-transport features derived from DCE-US has been proven to boost even further the accuracy of prostate cancer diagnosis.

Novel quantitative molecular imaging of angiogenesis has additionally been introduced by modeling the transport kinetics of ultrasound contrast agents that are targeted to angiogenic expressions. The developed analytical models enable the assessment of the binding/unbinding kinetics of the agent, showing promise for prostate cancer localization.

In general, the proposed methods for quantitative angiogenesis imaging are not specific to prostate cancer only, and future application to other types of cancer can also be envisaged.

Mohamad Sawan

Title: Management of the Bladder Functions with Spinal Impairment: Monitoring and Subsequent Neurostimulation

Mohamad Sawan, Professor, Polystim Neurotech Lab., Polytechnique Montréal, Montreal, Quebec (

Abstract: Medical devices intended for the monitoring and treatment of lower urinary tract dysfunctions in spinal-cord injuries have been in clinical use for a while to treat bladder dysfunctions (incontinence, blockade, detrusor over activity, etc). These existing methods have numerous drawbacks for the users.  A new generation of medical devices intended to enhance bladder functions is currently under development to address these shortcomings. This talk covers methods, circuit and system techniques intended to implement custom neurorecording and microstimulation devices. These tools require dealing with multidimensional design challenges such as power management, reliable wireless energy recovery and data exchange, biocompatible packaging, etc. In addition to the estimation of bladder volume/pressure from afferent neural activity, bladder stimulation by peripheral sacral nerves will be presented, and a wireless electronic artificial sphincter to manage voiding will be presented.

Bio: Mohamad Sawan received the Ph.D. degree in 1990 in Electrical Engineering, from Sherbrooke University, Canada. He joined Polytechnique Montreal in 1991, where he is currently a Professor of microelectronics and biomedical engineering. His interests are the design and test of analog, digital, RF, and optic circuits and Microsystems. Dr. Sawan was awarded a Canada Research Chair, he is leading the Microsystems Strategic Alliance of Quebec (ReSMiQ), and is founder of the Polystim Neurotech. Laboratory. Dr. Sawan is cofounder and Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of the IEEE Transactions on BioCAS, Deputy Editor-in Chief of the IEEE TCAS-II (2009-2013), and he is Editor and Associate Editor, and member of the board of several international Journals. He is founder and cofounder of several international conferences such as the IEEE NEWCAS, ICECS, and BioCAS. He is also founder and chair of theEastern Canadian IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Montreal Chapter. He published more than 650 peer reviewed papers, two books, 10 book chapters, and 12 patents. Dr. Sawan received several awards, among them the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal, the Bombardier Award for technology transfer, the Jacques-Rousseau Award for achieved results in multidisciplinary research activities, the medal of merit from the President of Lebanon for his outstanding contributions, and the Barbara Turnbull Award for spinal-cord research in Canada. He is Fellow of the IEEE, Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada, and Officer of the Quebec’s National Order.
























































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