Towards Sustainable Treatment and Reuse of Wastewater in the Mediterranean Region

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الجامعة اللبنانية تشارك في اطلاق مشروع اكواسايكل في اليونان

AQUACYCLE: Towards Sustainable Treatment and Reuse of Wastewater in the Mediterranean Region

تم اطلاق مشروع اكواسايكل "نحو معالجة مستدامة للمياه المبتزلة واعادة استخدامها في منطقة الشرق الاوسط" وذلك في تاسالونيكي في ٣٠ ايلول ٢٠١٩. جمع هذا الاجتماع سبعة شركاء واربعة مؤسسات من الشرق الاوسط: اليونان(المستفيد الاول)٬ لبنان٬ مالطة٬ اسبانيا٬ تونس٬ فرنسا و المغرب.

مثل الجامعة اللبنانية في حفل انطلاق المشروع الدكتور محمد خليل والدكتور احمد المل.
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The AQUACYCLE project “Towards Sustainable Treatment and Reuse of Wastewater in the Mediterranean Region” was launched in Thessaloniki on September 30, 2019, and brings together 7 partners and 4 associated partners from 8 countries around the Mediterranean: Greece (Lead Beneficiary), Lebanon, Malta, Spain, Tunisia, Algeria, France and Morocco.


## The Lebanese University was represented at the Kick-off Meeting by Prof. Mohamad Khalil and Ahmad Elmoll. ##


AQUACYCLE is set to bring an eco-innovative wastewater treatment technology that will consist of anaerobic digestion, constructed wetlands and solar treatment for the cost-effective treatment of urban wastewater with minimal costs of operation and maximum environmental benefits. The novel technology will be demonstrated in 3 pilot sites in Lebanon, Spain and Tunisia.

The AQUACYCLE project is funded and supported by the European Union through the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme. For more information, please visit and